Coaching with Keyen Lage:

Phase 1: The Troubleshoot

Phase 2: Creative Genius

Phase 3: Project Freedom (Invite only)

You'll find information about the process of working with Keyen below. If you're not able to work with Keyen and are going through a difficult time, we encourage you to use this time as an opportunity to find more self-acceptance and to be proactive in contacting local professionals for support and guidance.


The Troubleshoot - 1 on 1 Coaching


The Troubleshoot is a completely personalized 3-Month long program consisting of 12 1 on 1 calls with Keyen. It’s designed to solve all of your immediate problems. In this phase we will dissect your Life & Business and take care of the “low hanging fruit”. The “low hanging fruit” are the problems that are most present in your life right now and are of the highest priority to solve.

The primary focus of The Troubleshoot is to help you get out of your own way so that you are capable of understanding/creating the life you truly desire. Before you are fully capable of creating the life (through Creative Genius) that you desire, you must first be able to think with a clear mind. This is the first step, getting out of your own way.

EXAMPLE: Think about a plot of land that you would like to garden on. The first step would be ripping out the weeds and creating an open, fertile space for your plants to be planted.


Creative Genius - 1 on 1 Coaching


Many people choose to continue to work with Keyen through the 4 Month Creative Genius Program. The Creative Genius follows a personalized, 1 on 1 continued coaching program designed to help you construct, create, and bring to life YOUR best life.

You may begin the Creative Genius following the 3 months of The Troubleshoot.

EXAMPLE: After the plot of land has been de-weeded and is ready for planting, we will plant the seeds, water the plants, make sure no predators are eating the plants, make sure they get the ideal amount of sunlight, and of course, shower them with a little love, until they are ready for harvest.


Project Freedom

Project Freedom is accessible by invitation only.

EXAMPLE: Harvest Season


When addressing the potential effects and benefits within any of our website, videos, programs or other content from, we’ve taken every effort to ensure that we accurately represent our programs and their ability to impact your life. However, Keyen Lage does not guarantee that you will experience results in any given timeframe or that your physical, mental, psychological, or emotional well being will be immediately or drastically improved. Keyen Lage does not claim to diagnose or treat any specific conditions. It is our belief that all of our ideas, tools, strategies or recommendations have been shown to have an effect for the majority of people who have successfully engaged with our content; however, nothing on our site is a guarantee to you of any particular impact or effect. Keyen Lage’s approach is intended for educational purposes only. Information provided by this website or this company is not a substitute for individual medical advice.

“Please note that a portion of sales will go to a charitable foundation”